we want to make this very clear.

Our aim is to be 100% carbon neutral.

But we can’t do this overnight.

In order for us to become fully verified as a carbon neutral film catering company, it will take 12 months of tracking our emissions, then reducing the emissions we are able to reduce and offsetting the emissions we can’t reduce.

To start off the year in the best possible way, we are working with the carbon footprint group to offset our emissions by investing in a global portfolio of verified carbon reduction projects.

Through this relationship, we have offset 12.424 tonnes of co2.
This is equal to almost 1.5million charges of your smartphone.
Or taking 12 return flights from London to New York.
Actually, its just a little more than the average annual co2 emissions of one UK resident… like me, or you.

Please follow this link to read about some of the projects we support. And check back here over the course of the year to see where we are at with our tracking and emission reduction program.

Thanks for reading, and please chat with us about your production’s carbon reduction goals. together we can make a difference.
